Day 14…Letting go and doing yoga

Must say I am finding it more challenging doing my yoga now my husband is home from work (month on, month off). However proud to say I still haven’t missed a day of home yoga practice. I have a good friend arriving tonight to stay for 4 nights so I need to be even more disciplined to MAKE time for me and my practice! 

As mum’s we can get so used to doing everything ….running the house, cooking, cleaning, kids dinners, kids bath, kids bed…

This evening I realised I was going to be pressed for time in doing my practice so you know what, I took a ‘time out’ – 20 minutes of me time to do my practice in amongst the crazy time of dinner, bath and bed for our son. The sun was setting behind the mountains as I took time to unite my breath, mind and body on my yoga mat. I was blessed with a beautiful sunset to gaze at as I did my salute’s to the sun (or goodnight’s to the sun!).

I let go of control. The world was not going to stop spinning, the house was not going to fall apart, our son would either eat or not eat his dinner…with or without me being there. Sometimes you need to just let it all go. It was 2o minutes and I wasn’t missed.

The concept of letting go is an important one. Let go of feeling like you have to ‘do’ everything, let go of being in control and most importantly get on the mat and then….let go.

No striving, no pushing, let go of thoughts, let the breath flow and be in the moment…this is yoga. 


Day 13…Weekends and yoga

IMG_0496It’s the weekend, the time of the week where it’s so much easier to lose track of creating our own personal space amongst weekend living – housework, gardening, kids, a wine or two, movies, brunch….it’s all go!

My day consisted of cuddles in bed with our son, brekkie, swimming lesson, library (15 minutes at tops with an active toddler in hand), sushi picnic in the park, playing trains, playing cars and just finished with dinner, bath, bed.

To be honest all I feel like is a wine, the fire is on, our dinner is in the oven smelling fantastic, however I have committed to 40 days straight of home yoga practice so best get up right now and go and do some. Wine will have to come later….

It’s just too easy to say oh well and let a day slide here and there however even if its 10 minutes on your mat, you know you’ll feel better for it. We deserve a wind down, we deserve time out for our SELVES, to come back to that space…if you do yoga you know what I”m talking about…that space after being on the mat, connected to your breath, being totally in the moment…that space where you can feel calm, peaceful, at ease.

I hope that you are finding some time this weekend to create that space for yourself. I am.

Off to do my yoga right now!

Day 2…Forty Days of Yoga…

I am sitting here and still haven’t done my practice today! It’s 5.30pm and we are in the midst of that crazy time in a household – dinner, bath, bed (who thought that those 3 little words could mean so much!).
7pm I hope my son will be fast asleep and I will head straight upstairs to my yoga mat for a nice rejuvenating session of ‘special time for me’.

I had all the intentions in the world of waking early to do my yoga but the stupid baby monitor woke me up (no not my son the actual monitor) – it is malfunctioning (third one we have tried) and to my utter frustration (and if your a mum you will relate – you DO NOT want to get woken up by the darn monitor!!!!!) at 4am I had to relocate my warm body into the cold spare room bed downstairs so I could hear my son… He did sleep till 7.40 which is amaaaaaaaaaazing for him. Yes I know I SHOULD have gotten up but you know what I didn’t. It took me ages to fall back asleep and I just slept till he woke me.sleep-couple-baby-mother-nickelodeon-moms-ecards-someecards

My priorities this morning were self preservation in the form of sleep.

I have had a tough day with my little man due to another molar cutting through (yes I am having a party after the next molar finally comes through which will be his last. Who thought the word ‘teething’ could be such a nasty, drawn out affair!).

Oh poor me, poor me is what I hear when I re-read what I just wrote however thats how it goes being a mum sometimes.

However I PROMISE mySELF and I promise YOU that I AM GETTING ON MY MAT tonight because I KNOW it will release my poor me feelings and my frustration and my tiredness. Lets hope tonight is a better night (have borrowed a baby monitor from a friend and fingers crossed it does it’s job) and I can get up in the morning before my son wakes.

Will post you tomorrow what yoga poses I do tonight but I am envisioning…lots of reclined poses, lots of breathing, some meditation and savasana (corpse pose)…

Better go pineapple juice in the hair emergency…oh the joys if kids!