Day 2…Forty Days of Yoga…

I am sitting here and still haven’t done my practice today! It’s 5.30pm and we are in the midst of that crazy time in a household – dinner, bath, bed (who thought that those 3 little words could mean so much!).
7pm I hope my son will be fast asleep and I will head straight upstairs to my yoga mat for a nice rejuvenating session of ‘special time for me’.

I had all the intentions in the world of waking early to do my yoga but the stupid baby monitor woke me up (no not my son the actual monitor) – it is malfunctioning (third one we have tried) and to my utter frustration (and if your a mum you will relate – you DO NOT want to get woken up by the darn monitor!!!!!) at 4am I had to relocate my warm body into the cold spare room bed downstairs so I could hear my son… He did sleep till 7.40 which is amaaaaaaaaaazing for him. Yes I know I SHOULD have gotten up but you know what I didn’t. It took me ages to fall back asleep and I just slept till he woke me.sleep-couple-baby-mother-nickelodeon-moms-ecards-someecards

My priorities this morning were self preservation in the form of sleep.

I have had a tough day with my little man due to another molar cutting through (yes I am having a party after the next molar finally comes through which will be his last. Who thought the word ‘teething’ could be such a nasty, drawn out affair!).

Oh poor me, poor me is what I hear when I re-read what I just wrote however thats how it goes being a mum sometimes.

However I PROMISE mySELF and I promise YOU that I AM GETTING ON MY MAT tonight because I KNOW it will release my poor me feelings and my frustration and my tiredness. Lets hope tonight is a better night (have borrowed a baby monitor from a friend and fingers crossed it does it’s job) and I can get up in the morning before my son wakes.

Will post you tomorrow what yoga poses I do tonight but I am envisioning…lots of reclined poses, lots of breathing, some meditation and savasana (corpse pose)…

Better go pineapple juice in the hair emergency…oh the joys if kids!